This howto is basically for BBBS_L. (updated 05/30/98) First before unzipping the make a dir /bbs and mv the file there. It is recommended that you make a dir /home/bbs however and use that. Then unzip. Read the 'readme.txt' then you may have to make the .exe files executable by doing 'chmod a+x *.exe. To read the main docs do 'bag.exe sysop.gui'. Note that additional help is in that gui by hitting enter on hilited names. When doing the bcfg4.exe 1 you will find more help for each function by hitting the F1 key on a hilited function. Note that the port '/dev/cau1. can also be /dev/ttyS1' and stick with baud rate at 38,400. If you make it 115,200 you may have zmodem up/download probs. I have since 'setserial /dev/ttyS1 spd_hi' and set the bcfg4.exe 1 modem baud to 57600 and that seems OK. For more help please contact me or Kim Heino. US registration is $60 from Russ Johnson at 1:152/7. This is for a 2 node system. The following samples will need to be edited for your particular setup. Here is some sample script files that work for me; First my external.bbb file- ------------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------- ; ============================================================================= ; ; BBBS external program/file configuration file ; ; ; Up to 250 protocols/packers can be added. Just add one line to each entry. ; NOTE: Programs must have full pathname and extension! ; ; ============================================================================= ; ; "funny, this configuration file is readable ..." ; ; ============================================================================= ; ; Names of the nodelists. [nodelist] /bbs/nodelist/nodelist.* /bbs/inbound/nodediff.* /bbs/nodelist/lukki.lst ; ============================================================================= ; ; Transfer protocol names [t_name] ZModem YModem XModem Slow-HYDRA XModem CRC YModem Batch Slow-Zmodem HYDRA ZedZap Kermit ; ============================================================================= ; ; OS command strings to execute download protocol. Protocols 1-9 can be handled ; internally. %f is a file containing list of filenames to be transfered. [t_download] ; ************************************************************ ZModem - ; /bbs/gsz.exe portx %b,%i %h"handshake cts "sz @%f ; /bbs/cexyz.exe /t1 /p%o /l%s /sz /ufos @%f ; /bbs/zsx.exe port %o line %s q sz @%f ; ************************************************************ YModem - ; /bbs/cexyz.exe /t1 /p%o /l%s /sx1k /ufos @%f ; ************************************************************ XModem - ; /bbs/cexyz.exe /t1 /p%o /l%s /sxchk /ufos @%f ; ******************************************************** Slow-HYDRA - ; ******************************************************** XModem CRC - ; /bbs/cexyz.exe /t1 /p%o /l%s /sx /ufos @%f ; ****************************************************** YModem Batch - ; /bbs/gsz.exe portx %b,%i %h"handshake cts "sb -k @%f ; /bbs/cexyz.exe /t1 /p%o /l%s /sy1k /ufos @%f ; /bbs/zsx.exe port %o line %s q sb @%f ; ******************************************************* Slow-Zmodem - ; ************************************************************* HYDRA - ; ************************************************************ ZedZap - ; ************************************************************ Kermit - ; ******************************************************************* ; ============================================================================= ; ; OS command strings to execute upload protocol. Protocols 1-9 can be handled ; internally. [t_upload] - ; /bbs/ portx %b,%i %h"handshake cts "rz ; /bbs/cexyz.exe /t1 /p%o /l%s /rz /ufos ; /bbs/zsx.exe port %o line %s q rz - - - - - ; /bbs/gsz.exe portx %b,%i %h"handshake cts "rb -k ; /bbs/zsx.exe port %o line %s q rb - - - ; /bbs/zsx.exe port %o line %s w 32 o q rs - ; ***************************************************************************** ; ***************************************************************************** ; ***************************************************************************** ; ; Packer extensions [af_ext] arc zip lzh arj zoo hpk rar ; ============================================================================= ; ; hex offset (max ff), hex string ; These are used to identify a packer. [af_ident] 00,1a 00,504b 02,2d6c68 00,60ea 00,5a4f4f 00,4850414b 00,526172211a0700 ; ============================================================================= ; ; OS Command strings to pack files. %f is the name of the file to be packed. [af_pack] /usr/bin/arc an %p %F /usr/bin/zip -j %p %F /usr/bin/lha aiua %p %F ; DOS-LHA: /usr/bin/lha a /m %p %f - ; DOS-ARJ: /bbs/arj a -a -e -jm -jh65535 %p %f ; OS2-ARJ: %c /c /bbs/arj a -a -e -jm -jh65535 %p %f /bbs/zoo a:q %p %F /bbs/hpack a %p %F /bbs/rar a -ep1 -o+ -c- -ds -ed -y -cfg- %p %F ; ============================================================================= ; ; OS Command strings to unpack files. %f is the name of the file to be ; unpacked. [af_unpack] /bbs/pack/arc ewno %p %f /bbs/pack/unzip -o -j -C %p %f /bbs/pack/lha efib %p %f ; DOS-LHA: /usr/bin/lha e /m %p %f /bbs/unarj e %p %f /bbs/zoo e:O %p %f /bbs/hpack x -oa -zs %p %f /bbs/rar e -c- -o+ -y %p %F ; ============================================================================= ; ; Metastrings ; =========== ; ; %e = character 27, ESC, ^[ ; %r = character 13, CR, ^M ; %% = character 37, % ; %p = packet name ; %f = file to be processed ; %F = filename (%f), *.* -> * ; %d = filename (%f) without dir ; %D = filename (%d), *.* -> * ; %c = comspec environment variable ; %n = cfg.newdir ; %N = user name ; %L = nodenumber ; %o = comport number ; %b = comport baseaddr (hex) ; %i = comport irq ; %s = comport real baud ; %l = comport baud ; %a = comport handle ; %A = comport device ; %h"text" = if handshake rts/cts, use text ; - = unsupported or empty ; ; Have you added some packers or protocols? Send this file to all of us! ; ; ============================================================================= [ticks] ; gr tag path aka(s) afl export /desc ; -- ---------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ; Area flags (you can also use export flags here): ; V Visible ; Z Don't use file_id.diz ; ! Passthrough, don't update descript.ion ; A Append info to announce message ; R Don't check CRC of incoming file ; ; Export flags: ; @ Node is unlinked ; + Do not send tick to this node, just forward the file ; < Accept files from this node, but don't send ; > Send files to this node ; H Mark files as 'hold' for this node (node must pickup them) ; C Mark files as 'crash' for this node (you will poll them) ; N Mark files as 'normal' for this node (you will send them if you poll) [tick.adopt] ; Three lines per entry: tick-area ; filename (if no path, inbound is assumed) ; description [agnet] ; one line per remote system / user name: ; user name,areafile,my_suffix,route_regexp ; where areafile has lines: ; qwk_number,local_name ; [echomail] ; gr areatag bbbs name add akas flags export ; -- -------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------- ----- ------------------- ; Area flags: ; V Visible ; S Secure ; D No dupe check X COCO - - S 1:202/701 X LINUX - - S 1:202/701 X ALT_DOS - - S 1:202/701 X MM1_TECH - - S 1:202/701 X NET202_ADMIN - - S 1:202/701 X NET202_SYSOP - - S 1:202/701 X OS9 - - S 1:202/701 X RIBBS - - S 1:202/701 X BBBS.BZ - - S 1:202/719 2:220/851 X BBBS.ENGLISH - - S 1:202/719 2:220/851 X BBBS.UTIL - - S 1:202/719 2:220/851 X BBBS.CHAT - - S 1:202/719 2:220/851 [node_remap] ; Syntax: ,zone:net/node.point,bbsname,location,sysop,phone{:phone},speed,flags ,2:210/27.0,ML,Norway,Rune_Johansan,,300,CM,U,IP ,2:220/851.0,TYC,Helsinki,Pertti_Heikkinen,,300,CM,IP,B256 [netmail_remap] ; Syntax: orig#new ; orig: fromuser,fzone:fnet/fnode.fpoint,touser,tzone:tnet/tnode.tpoint ; (one big regexp!) ; new: fromuser,fzone:fnet/fnode.fpoint,touser,tzone:tnet/tnode.tpoint ; (empty field = keep original) [nodes] ; node spass apass ppass tpass gr st pa route ; ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- -- -- ------------------- 1:202/701 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? F - 2 1:* 3:* 4:* 5:* 6:* 1:202/719 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? F C 2 2:210/27 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? F - ! 2:220/851 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? F - 2 2:* 2:220/850 ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? F - ! ; Note passwords changed to protect the inocent ; Status flags: ; C Crash ; H Hold ; - Normal ; ! Don't route netmails directly ; B Disable HYDRA ; R Disable EMSI ; X Disable xHYDRA [bad_echo]ø 1:202/719 ISO ISO 0 F 2:220/851 ----------------------------- end cut ----------------------------- Now for samples of my bbbs startup scripts, run1 first; ------------------------------ cut here -------------------------------- #!/bin/sh while : do cd /bbs ./bbbs.exe 2 1 /dev/ttyS1 # RC=$? echo BBBS RC: $RC if [ $RC = 137 ]; then exit fi # i have event that quits with errorlevel 100 and does filelist updates and # such thing. # this I have not used. (W.H.) # if [ $RC = 100 ]; then # nohup /bbs/ & # fi # you must set this errorlevel in Global: FidoNet: Sessions: Mail errorlevel if [ $RC = 80 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & fi # you must set this errorlevel in Global: FidoNet: Sessions: User mail errl. if [ $RC = 70 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & fi if [ $RC = 0 ]; then exit fi reset done ----------------------------------- end run1 script ---------------------- ----------------------------------- start runppp script -------------------- #!/bin/sh while : do cd /bbs ./bbbs.exe 2 2 TCPIP # RC=$? echo BBBS RC: $RC if [ $RC = 137 ]; then exit fi # i have event that quits with errorlevel 100 and does filelist updates and # such thing. if [ $RC = 100 ]; then nohup /bbs/ppp_on & fi if [ $RC = 101 ]; then nohup /bbs/ppp_off & fi # you must set this errorlevel in Global: FidoNet: Sessions: Mail errorlevel if [ $RC = 80 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & fi # you must set this errorlevel in Global: FidoNet: Sessions: User mail errl. if [ $RC = 70 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & fi if [ $RC = 0 ]; then exit fi reset done -------------------------------------- end runppp script ------------------ ------------------------------------- now the run0 script ----------------- #!/bin/sh while : do cd /bbs ./bbbs.exe 0 # RC=$? echo BBBS RC: $RC if [ $RC = 137 ]; then exit fi # i have event that quits with errorlevel 100 and does filelist updates and # such thing. if [ $RC = 100 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & fi # you must set this errorlevel in Global: FidoNet: Sessions: Mail errorlevel if [ $RC = 80 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & fi # you must set this errorlevel in Global: FidoNet: Sessions: User mail errl. if [ $RC = 70 ]; then nohup /bbs/ & exit reset fi if [ $RC = 0 ]; then exit fi reset done ------------------------------------- end run0 script ------------------------- ------------------------------------- script ------------------------ #!/bin/sh /bbs/bbbs.exe bogus w ------------------------------------- end ------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- #!/bin/sh /bbs/bbbs.exe bogus r ----------------------------------------- end ------------------- That is all I can think of at this point except make sure you have a /bbs/pack dir that includes the zip, unzip and other archivers or make a symbolic link to them where they do reside in the /bbs/pack dir. If you don't have all of them an user can select the missing one but a cmd 'MD' will just give an error the packer is not available. Note that the bcfg4.exe modem setup does not need the base address nor irq set for BBBS/L, just for BBBS/D. An undocumeted item is adding conferances (echos). When in bcfg4.exe 'Global Conferances just cursor to the 'Total' box and change to higher number. Then you can edit the conf. to suit. Warren +---------------------------------------------+ | Warren Hrach, San Diego, CA 92107 | | | | Linux BBBS and UUCP on an AMD K5 | | Fido BBS at (619) 224-4878 | +---------------------------------------------+